
轉載作者:優蘭妲 轉載自Christine/Vivian/Fanpo 的占星塔羅館

金冥相位我們從合相開始 -

This aspect is one of passionate and often karmic emotional involvement.  In horoscopes of highly developed individuals it can indicate the capacity for a regenerating, redeeming spiritual love, capable of uplifting all who come in contact with it.  

In such cases love is combined with spiritual power and the will is manifested at a very elevated level.  Usually there is an ardent love of life, often involving fervent attractions to members of the opposite sex.  Natives tend to experience emotional death and rebirth.  Ultimately a valuable spiritual lesson is learned : that love must be directed toward the spiritual source of all of life's manifestations, and that the External, as the Inner Essence of all creation, must be worshiped, rather than the material manifestations of this power.  

The negative side of the conjunction is just as perverted as the positive side is exalted.  There is inordinate involvement in sexual passion and indulgence.  In any event, the natives are creatively potent in whatever ways they choose to express this powerful  energy. 



總而言之,這整段話的意思是,有金冥相位的人要小心,因為冥王星的極端性,不是愛的熱烈,就是分的慘烈最後導致墮落,所以這些人容易遭逢到感情上的巨大轉 變,因此需要小心的修行(Worship),將感情的層次提高一點,才能看破俗世的情愛,將這熱情轉化(regenerate)成對自己有利的能量。


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