我那隻k610i雖然保養狀況很不賴,但是我知道它絕對以目前的行價,是零元手機吧~怎麼寄到英國去要被收40英磅的稅金啊~真是太扯了! 原來是英國人那裡,商品價值超過35英磅的話就要被課稅(約2000元台幣上下吧,若以55去算的話),但是就算我寫3000元的禮品價值於寄送單上(當初寫三千是因為我寄了一隻手機、旅充&座充,及兩顆在凡雅客買的原廠電池,當初買了一顆要1200台幣),希望郵差們(台灣&英國)起碼看在有價上,可以小心輕放勿重壓…,三千元也不該被課到40英砣的稅金吧!之後老弟再更詳細去追尋原因,才知我們台灣人窵數字3的寫法,在英國大數人都會認定為數字7,於是3000元被他們看成7000元,扯吧~~很扯吧!! 竟然3跟7可以傻傻分不清楚啦! 真是吐血吐到死!
我就說,那個貨運單上他們都拿給英國人看,於是都認定成7,那麼要是拿所有在英國的華人(一代的,不是那種二代的),至少有人可以証明這是三吧,算了啦~~反正在人家的地上,人家的法律、習慣是要遵守一下,但至少我們也不能損失那麼多呀,於是我弟打了一張blah blah的東西,現在要我簽完名scan回去給他,他再呈報海關那裡…重點不是誤不誤會了現在,重點是手機拿回來跟降稅金。結果比過程重要。
Dear Sir/Madan
Parcel Reference Number: 2501 9699 6163 54008
UPI:                                       EC264548356GB
Thank you for the invoice letter dated 4 March 2009. I am writing to request you to reconsider the customs charge in accordance with the value of the item I sent to England.
I posted the mobile phone to my brother, YenHao CHEN from Taiwan 0n 26 February 2009. My brother told me that the parcel would not be delivered to him until the customs charge has been paid.
I therefore instructed Mr Chen to pay the charges.
I apologise my hand writing misled you with respect to the value I put on the declaration sheet. I certify that the value for the mobile phone was NT$3,000 (approximate £60), not NT$7,000 (approximate £140). Unfortunately, you read the value as NT$7,000. The mobile phone (Sonic Ericsson K610i) was a two-year old and in no way was it worth NT$7,000.
I enclose a copy of the declaration sheet to prove my statement. I ask that you may now reflect the costs correctly and refund Mr Chen accordingly.
I am sorry to cause you this inconvenience and please do not hesitate to contact me if I can assist you any further.
Yours sincerely,
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